Development of teacher skills in remote work

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Eliana Rosa Avalos Monterrey


The objective of this article is to make a correlation on the development of teacher skills and remote work in the 29 Ugel 01 network made up of 5 educational institutions at the secondary level. Due to the spread of the pandemic in our country and the world, it is essential to meet the educational needs of children and young people during this health crisis there is an urgent need to reorganize education within the framework of teleworking or remote work, Initially some antecedents relating the skills of the teacher in remote work; Later, a conceptualization of the teacher's skills is carried out as a form of training, and finally, the obligations of the worker in remote work are emphasized. It was concluded that there is evidence to affirm that the development of teacher skills is significantly related to remote work, 133 teachers were surveyed, being that the Spearman Rho correlation coefficient of 0.778, in which there is a high correlation between the variables.
key words: Competition, virtual education, remote education, learning. 


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How to Cite
Avalos Monterrey, E. R. . (2021). Development of teacher skills in remote work. Journal of Business and Entrepreneurial Studie.