e-ISSN: 2576-0971. April - June Vol. 8 - 2 - 2024 . http://journalbusinesses.com/index.php/revista
The internet has become an integral part of the daily routine of both individuals and
organizations, driving companies to adopt new digital marketing tactics. This is due to
the benefits derived from the digital tools currently available and accessible to all.
According to Lopez et al (2018) in the 2000s the Internet starts to consolidate and
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) become more common for
businesses. New internet providers and Cyber cafes began to appear in the Country.
According to the Telecommunications Regulation and Control Agency ARCOTEL until
March 2018 there are approximately 10 internet providers with market share.(p.40).
In Ecuador, Internet use has experienced significant growth, as revealed by the National
Institute of Statistics and Census (INEC), which reports that since the last census in
2012, 55.9% of the population has used the Internet, with 64.4% in urban areas and 37.9%
in rural areas (Lopez et al., 2018, p. 39). This increase in Internet adoption dates back
to 1995, when the popularization of the Internet began in Ecuador with the appearance
of graphical browsers such as Netscape, Internet Explorer, and Opera.
The aforementioned findings indicate that companies in Ecuador are increasingly
committed to the digital environment. Today, many companies face the need to reinvent
themselves due to changing circumstances that can affect their performance, either
positively or negatively. As a result, they are forced to look for ways to adapt and survive
in this changing environment. In fact, many companies in sectors such as banking,
household appliances, restaurants, among others, have been compelled to maintain at
least a minimum digital presence to communicate and promote themselves to their
Therefore, the digital era of marketing arises as a result of technological advances, such
as the Internet, the World Wide Web (www), Information and Communication
Technologies (ICTs), social networks, and the imminent need for market innovation in
relation to globalization, which has driven the digital development of organizations. The
main objective of technological advances in relation to marketing is to facilitate
communication, promotion and sale of products and services, as well as to establish solid
business relationships with customers, offering them prompt solutions tailored to their
needs. One strategy that can help address this challenge is the incorporation of
technology in the market, this being digital marketing.
With the evolution of digital media, entrepreneurs and business owners have developed
the ability to interact in an effective and personalized way with their customers or
consumers. In the field of digital marketing, concepts equivalent to the traditional 4Ps of
the marketing mix have been developed, being Fleming's 4Fs (Flow, Functionality,
Feedback and Loyalty) of vital importance for the e-commerce process and user
interaction in the virtual environment (Osorio et al., 2016). These elements are
fundamental to understand and effectively manage online marketing strategies, ensuring
a satisfactory user experience and promoting customer loyalty.
It is essential to consider that in the context of digital marketing, Flow reflects the user's
state of mind online; Functionality refers to improving the website experience, making