Theoretical foundations on Customer Experience (customer experience, NPS, CSAT, CES, Service Balcony, Journey Map)

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Carlos Ermel Bourne Gastezzi
Martha María Fernández Rodríguez
Andrés Castillo


A result of the Balcony of Services research project was presented to optimize Customer Experience at the Tecnológico Universitario Espíritu Santo (TES). It responded to the problem of failure to identify opportunities or weaknesses that students face in the educational and administrative services offered by TES, which can affect their educational experience, and was instrumental in understanding and improving student satisfaction. To this end, the specific objectives that were desired to be achieved with the measurement system were defined, among which the following stand out: general customer satisfaction, identifying areas of improvement in the service or evaluating the impact of the improvement initiatives that are implemented. Based on them, the metrics that will help measure the customer experience are determined. Some common metrics include Net Promoter Score (NPS), customer satisfaction (CSAT), customer loyalty, and customer retention. These metrics respond to the industry and specific objectives and will be supported theoretically in this article. The research is theoretical based on theoretical methods such as: analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction from the abstract to the concrete.


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How to Cite
Bourne Gastezzi, C. E., Fernández Rodríguez, M. M., & Castillo, A. (2024). Theoretical foundations on Customer Experience (customer experience, NPS, CSAT, CES, Service Balcony, Journey Map). Journal of Business and Entrepreneurial Studie, 8(2).


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