Journal of business and entrepreneurial studie
<table class="submenuj"> <tbody> <tr> <td><a href=""><img src="" width="30" /> Editorial Board</a></td> <td><a href=""><img src="" width="30" /> Aims & scope</a></td> <td><img src="" width="30" /> <a href="">Journal Updates</a></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p><strong>Journal of business and entrepreneurial studies</strong> is a publication edited by <strong>EducationLAB CONSULTING</strong><a href=""><em>. </em></a>All material submitted to the journal for publication and accepted by the Editorial Committee for its quality and relevance is subject to peer review by specialists in the corresponding fields of knowledge.</p> <p><strong>Journal of business and entrepreneurial studies</strong> is a scientific journal published quarterly in January, April, July and September. It publishes articles of original research results in English and Spanish covering a variety of topics related to various areas of knowledge including business, education, engineering and applied mathematics, technology, environmental technology, computer science and social sciences. </p> <p>La revista mantiene una evaluación constante de documentos enviados por su plataforma, los mismo que se aprueben en un porcentaje cercao al 35% de los envíos realizados. <br />La revista se encuentra en evaluación por diversas bases.</p> <p><strong>Editor in Chief. </strong></p> <p style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>Cristina Inmaculada Paredes Serrano,Universidad Complutense de Madrid, <a href=""></a>0009-0003-1506-893X, <a href=""></a></strong></p> <p style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>Inés Martín de Santos, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, <a href=""></a>, <a href=""></a></strong></p> <p>La revista está en un repertorio de evaluación (LATINDEX. Catálogo v2.0 (2018 - ), ERIHPlus, REDIB. Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y conocimiento científico) pero no aparece en ninguna base de datos A&I ni en DOAJ = +2.5<br />Antigüedad = 4 años (fecha inicio: 2017)<br />Pervivencia: log10(4) = +0.6<br />ICDS = 3.1</p> <p><strong>Indexing</strong></p> <p><strong>Miar </strong><a href=""></a></p> <p><strong>Redalyc </strong><a href=""></a></p> <p><strong>Latindex 2.0</strong> <a href=""></a></p> <p><strong>Scientific Indexing Service</strong> <a href=""></a></p> <p><strong>Actualidad Iberoamaericana</strong> <a href=""></a></p> <p><strong>Erih Plus</strong> <a href=""></a></p> <p><strong>Clase</strong> <a href=""></a></p> <p><strong>Información y tecnología</strong> <a href=""></a></p> <p><strong>REDIB</strong> <a href=""></a></p> <p><strong>Dialnet</strong> <a href=""></a></p>EducationLAB CONSULTINGen-USJournal of business and entrepreneurial studie2576-0971<p><strong>Licensing Agreement</strong></p><p>This journal provides free access to its content through its website following the principle that making research available free of charge to the public supports a larger exchange of global knowledge. </p><p>Web content of the journal is distributed under a <strong>Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International.</strong></p>The administrative process: A business management tool for the sustainability of micro-businesses in Sucre- Manabí
<p style="font-weight: 400;">This research is part of the results of the training project "Sustainable Entrepreneurship" from the educational practice to strengthen the professional and organizational activity, ULEAM Sucre", which among one of its approaches is to diagnose the current situation of enterprises in the area. This research was carried out with the objective of analyzing the administrative process of the micro businesses located in the Cesar Rupertti Dueñas avenue of the Leónidas Plaza parish, Sucre - Manabí, to know its incidence in their business management and to obtain true information that allows the understanding and development of the present one. In order to end the administrative misinformation by small traders and / or entrepreneurs in the locality, thus managing to stay in the labor market, generate employment for others and promote economic growth in the country. Therefore, a qualitative-quantitative research was carried out through a descriptive study, since it identifies elements and characteristics of the problem, with the application of the deductive method and the survey research technique, which were of great help in gathering information. As a result, most of the owners of the microbusinesses have defined their objectives, half of them have a control of income and expenses, few have an accounting system and inventory, and almost all have the corresponding permit . In short, it shows that most of the small business owners have not yet defined the goals to be achieved, which does not ensure that the effort made throughout the process was worthwhile. It should be emphasized that to devise and improve the sales plan of a business to achieve economic growth, which all entrepreneurs seek, more knowledge and prior training is needed.</p>Mayra Yasmina Espinoza ArauzRobert Antonio Veliz EstacioLuis Miguel Mejia RupertiJairo Enrique Intriago TorresLida Cumandá Paladines Poma
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2025-01-152025-01-15919710910.37956/jbes.v9i1.388Endomarketing for Leadership and Optimisation of Results in Human Talent Management. Financial Sector of Honduras-2024
<p style="font-weight: 400;">Organizational competitiveness moves senior management to redirect their strategies to levels of excellence, emphasizing what was once secondary, in this context we talk about the human factor as the key piece that sustains business vitality through its physical and intellectual effort. The objective of this article is to elucidate the methodology applied with a view to obtaining results on the perceptions of employees working in the Honduran financial sector on the processes applied in Human Talent Management, leadership style, optimization of results and Endomarketing programs, for this, a questionnaire of 66 items was designed, applied to a sample of 376 participants selected through random sampling. The results suggest that, despite the existence of a positive and strong correlation between Endomarketing and the variables under study, on a day-to-day basis the efforts reflected are perceived in partial terms, by those actors whose approval of workplace welfare programs is limited by difficulties in communication, work environment, equity and opportunity for all among others. However, it is true that the objectives are met, but their scope projects a medium level of satisfaction.</p>Alicia Jacqueline Miranda Valle
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2025-01-022025-01-029111610.37956/jbes.v9i1.382Analysis of of sales of the main vehicle vehicle brands in Guayaquil
<p style="font-weight: 400;">This study focuses on the analysis of the automotive market in Guayaquil during the year 2023, with the purpose of providing a comprehensive understanding of the factors shaping the dynamics of the sector. The analysis focuses on three main areas: consumer preferences regarding vehicle brands, the performance of the main brands in terms of sales volume, and the impact of import tariffs on the final price of automobiles. It investigates how consumers' purchasing decisions are influenced by aspects such as the brand, design, and technology of vehicles and how these preferences affect the competitiveness and success of brands in the market.</p>Brithany Nahomy Sánchez BustamanteMarcelo Javier Bastidas Jimenez
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2025-01-022025-01-029110.37956/jbes.v9i1.383Labor competencies and their impact on the performance of the personnel of the parochial GADS of the province of Santa Elena
<p style="font-weight: 400;">The objective of this article is to evaluate the incidence of labor competencies play a fundamental role in the performance of personnel in the parish Autonomous Decentralized Governments (GAD) of the province of Santa Elena. Several techniques and tools were used to analyze how technical, social and personal skills influence the quality and efficiency of the services offered by these institutions. The study used descriptive research through the desegregation of variables, which also allowed for a situational diagnosis, and correlational research through the analysis of indicators to analyze the variables of interest. Data collection was carried out through a survey of parish government officials to identify gaps in competencies and their relationship with the fulfillment of organizational objectives. Significant deficiencies were identified in the design of training programs and in the periodic evaluation of performance, which limits the integral development of personnel and negatively affects productivity levels. Consequently, it is proposed to implement a management model based on competencies, including continuous training processes and evaluation mechanisms.</p>Diana Carolina Malavé Yagual Arturo Gustavo Benavides Rodríguez
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2025-01-022025-01-029110.37956/jbes.v9i1.384Burnout or Professional Burnout Syndrome in education workers
<p style="font-weight: 400;">Teaching is recognized as one of the most demanding jobs due to the vast amount of information that teachers must assimilate, analyze and transmit on a daily basis. However, beyond this intellectual challenge, one of the greatest challenges lies in managing the interpersonal relationships necessary to impart knowledge effectively. Educators are constantly under pressure because of the vital importance of education in society. Working with people, whether colleagues, students or parents, adds an additional layer of complexity and emotional responsibility. This constant interaction can lead to the development of "Burnout Syndrome", also known as Burnout, which can have devastating emotional and psychological consequences for the individual. Burnout can lead to emotional disconnection from work, and even permanent separation from work. In the most severe cases, it can trigger clinical conditions that significantly affect the teacher's health. The purpose of this article is to show the influence of this syndrome, basing the research on a literature review on this topic under a qualitative methodology.</p>Ivon Alicia Tello Ayala
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2025-01-022025-01-0291506110.37956/jbes.v9i1.385Excess of public procurement in emergency situations
<p style="font-weight: 400;">The general objective of this research was focused on carrying out an analysis related to the overreaching of public procurement in emergency situations, taking into consideration that in this type of contexts multiple procurements are carried out in which the law allows a de-formalization of the usual requirements for the purpose of purchasing goods and services to ensure the main needs of the population. In order to comply with the purpose of this research, a methodology based on a legal, economic and financial legal analysis was chosen, linked to the overreaching of public procurement in emergency situations. The results of the research allowed us to determine that in emergency situations, in most cases the de-formalization of contracting requirements, instead of benefiting the acts to be carried out in a better way, lead to acts of corruption, since public officials end up awarding contracts to people close to them for their own benefit.</p>Karina Moreno
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2025-01-022025-01-0291627610.37956/jbes.v9i1.386Matrix of forgotten effects in the financial context of banks and cooperatives in Ecuador at the time of investment
<p style="font-weight: 400;">Financial institutions serve as entities that provide services to families, businesses and government agencies. The objective of the research is to determine the optimal investment strategy for the stakeholders. Therefore, two techniques of data collection and detailed analysis were employed by calculating correlations and least squares estimations. Concomitantly, an expert approach using fuzzy logic was used to identify the best financial strategy. This comprehensive methodology identified financial patterns, providing accurate recommendations for decision making and boosting the Ecuadorian financial sector. This approach laid the groundwork for effective and central strategies such as simplifying contact channels and efficiently optimizing the time invested in the processes, channeling them towards the continuous improvement of the financial sector and offering better benefits to users.</p>Yanice Ordóñez ParraStella Lucín VelizGeovanny Zamora ZamoraPaula Villalpando Cadena
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