Published: 2021-10-04

Public policy and economic outlook in the region of Ucayali

Kathy Flores Cabrera de Ruiz, Jhonn Robert Ruiz De la Cruz

Economic and financial impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on hotel entities in the municipality of Suesca

Wilson Alexander Cifuentes Bojacá, Edna Melissa Sánchez Pirabán, Nelma Alexandra Rueda Castillo

Prevalence of physical activity and relationship with sociodemographic factors and lifestyles

Mónica del Rocio Galarza Zambrano, Próspero de Jesús Pesantez Cali, Dayana Macías Castro, Abigail Burbano Lajones

Crisis in the financial systems: a view from Ecuador

Janice Licenia Ordóñez Parra, Ludivia Hernández Aros, Laura Constanza Gallego Cossio, Gustavo Adolfo Rubio Rodríguez

Measuring satisfaction levels of food and beverage establishments, second and third category accommodations

Paola Cecilia Galvez Izquieta, Karla Lucia Ramírez Iñigues, María Belén Salazar Raymond