Published: 2022-04-21

Impact of portfolio turnover levels on liquidity: A case study of a household appliance company.

Maria Fernanda Torres Abad, Lisseth Estefania Tinoco Pesantez, Néstor Daniel Gutiérrez Jaramillo

Considerations of the University-Enterprise link in the Short Cycle Sustainable Trade Training Program

Julia Ileana Deás Albuerne, Rafael Montejo Veliz, Karen Gutiérrez Echeverría

University and Society: A study on its evolution

Janet Bonilla Freirea, Timmy Garcia-Carpio, Fernando Ponce-Orellana; Yolanda Garcia-Carranza

Impact of Covid-19 on sales revenues of private companies in Ecuador

Hugo Renan Ruiz Lopez, Sara Rocío Correa Soto, Perla León López

Evolution from traditional marketing to digital marketing as a training process

Lilia Monserrate Villacis Zambrano, Frank Ángel Lemoine Quintero, María Gabriela Montesdeoca Calderón, Katty Gisella Zambrano Alcívar