Published: 2022-07-08

Productive local development based on information and communication technologies

Marlon Astudillo Lindao, Byron Oviedo Bayas, Segundo Cabrera Vargas, Efraín Díaz Macías

Digital Marketing and its impact on the commercial development of Guayaquil's microenterprises

Gissela Monserrate Saltos Santana, Marjorie Marcela Acosta Véliz, José Manuel Asanza Moreira, Edison Ignacio Espinoza Alcívar

Consumer color neuromarketing

Marcelo Patricio Obando Changuán, Jorge Aníbal Loya Simbaña

Cyptocurrencies: development and impact on the world economy

Angel Maldonado Castro, Jenny Maldonado Castro, Nivaldo Vera Valdiviezo, Edgar Moreno Suqilanda

Administrative management and its impact on the company's productivity, training plan

Elizabeth Juliana Núñez Bartolomé, Oscar Fabián Moncayo Carreño, Enry Gutember Medina López, Cesar Enrique Muñoz Heredia

Evolution from traditional marketing to digital marketing as a formative process

Lilia Monserrate Villacis Zambrano, Frank Ángel Lemoine Quintero, María Gabriela Montesdeoca Calderón, Katty Gisella Zambrano Alcívar, Yesenia Aracely Zamora Cusme, Karen Alejandra Mendoza García, Karen Alejandra Mendoza García

Management analysis of a preventive program based on a retrospective study in the health care workforce

Lenin Stalin Muñoz Villacrés, Granbay Marcelo Muñoz Villacrés, Carmen Elizabeth Vargas Pozo, Glenda Verónica Figueroa Morán