Quality in higher education based on competencies at the University of Guayaquil towards the formation of human talent
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There is now a major concern in university circles to respond better from the academic world to the demands of the productive sector and the requirements of employers, resulting, on the one hand, in a review of the role of the university in the today's society, characterized as the knowledge society and a rethinking of traditional curriculum design on the other. To this massification of enrollment associated with a great diversity of course offerings and post-secondary programs in institutions of diverse nature adds, which has generated an urgent need to ensure that professionals meet requirements for professional practice in conditions and adequate levels. No doubt the competency-based training has a number of important advantages for higher education in training towards human talent; particularly those that emphasize the procedural races. Among other things, it can be noted that the use of this approach allows better express the capabilities that have graduates when completing their studies, which facilitates the transition process that occurs between the end of school and into the labor exercise.
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