Insertion of social housing complex “Puerto Palmar”
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he present intention is based on making an article that seeks to "optimize the quality of life of the population of Guayaquil", through: "SOCIAL HOUSING SET" PUERTO PALMAR "IN THE CITY OF GUAYAQUIL", which is used as a fundamental objective: " Guarantee access to appropriate, safe and dignified housing ”; among the resolutions, it involves “Promoting the organization, family and community responsibility, to guarantee their participation in obtaining new or reformed residence, in the timely and adequate maintenance of the homes, as well as their environments, in order to avoid detriment and the consequent dangers. " From the premise, a representative analysis is launched that will benefit the proponent to obtain knowledge, in surrounding areas interested in social interest homes, in order to know the idea of marketing homes in "PUERTO PALMAR". After the study, it will be concluded if the offer is profitable, in this way from verification, it will be promoted and the investment perpetrated will be recovered with good publicity in regards to marketing and sales; In this way, in the 5 quarters the 100 planned houses can be offered from their origin.
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