Influence of electronic commerce in tourism

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Daniel Fiallos Moncayo


The evolution of new information and communications technologies, such as the Internet and electronic commerce have developed the business in the tourism sector, as it has been able to improve corporate governance, finding social media tools to market and more effective distribution of tourism products and services. As has been the need to analyze the development of electronic commerce worldwide, especially in more developed countries such as Spain and tour the United States, growth in Latin American countries, and certainly the opening that Ecuador will has led to new technologies. Just as the relationship between electronic commerce and tourism, which explains the advantages and disadvantages of the E-Commerce has produced both companies that provide travel services and their potential clients, especially companies that provide ground transportation service resort in the country.


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How to Cite
Fiallos Moncayo, D. (2019). Influence of electronic commerce in tourism. Journal of Business and Entrepreneurial Studie, 3(2), 32–38.


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