Strategic planning for sustainable development in the tourism sector

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Álvaro Rivera Guerrero


The history of humanity is full of examples of civilizations that at the peak 

of their development abruptly fall, and soon disappear. Although about much has been said and the reasons for their extinction is attributed to many causes, in general we can say that despite the social organizations of production and work (civilizations) achieve successful sustainable development (who by their own forces and logic is also playing) do not achieve sustainable development (provided that the needs of future growth). Therefore, given the historical experience for current civilizations of the West and the East, the question of interest is how to make it sustainable is sustainable, being that the logic of capitalist accumulation means for it to consider aspects that are supporting his existence and reproduction. Tourism in Ecuador should become a highly competitive sector, through an articulated investment process and promotion, products and services, which in sufficient quantity and quality will translate into growth and development social to make this possible requires the combined efforts of the three levels: local, national and international.


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How to Cite
Rivera Guerrero, Álvaro. (2019). Strategic planning for sustainable development in the tourism sector. Journal of Business and Entrepreneurial Studie, 3(2), 11–22.


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